Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 1/8/16

Year: 2015

Research Articles


1. Late onset of chylous ascites following distal gastrectomy with D1(+) dissection for gastric cancer: A case report


2. Pompe disease: A case report


3. Does the minor trauma during pregnancy have any effect on perinatal outcome?


4. Hepatitis B virus is still the most common etiologic factor of liver cirrhosis: Results from a single center in Turkey


4. Toxic epidermal necrolysis secondary to ceftriaxone use: A case report


5. Primer mesane yerleşimli koryokarsinom olgusu


6. Bir Üniversite Hastanesi’nde bildirimi zorunlu bulaşıcı hastalık bildirimleri ile ilgili hekimlerin bilgi düzeyleri


7. Peroxisomal disorder characterized with severe cerebral dysgenesis and hypotonia


8. Anaesthetic management of a patient with hereditary angioedema


8. Typing and antifungal susceptibility of the candida species isolated in geriatric patients at a tertiary care center


9. The frequency of polyneuropathy and comparison of laboratory parameters in patients with multiple myeloma


11. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty results in patients with proximal hypospadias


13. The predictive value of factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A and MTHFR C677T Gene mutations on the location of venous thromboembolism


15. Our clinical experience on laparoscopic splenectomy: Outcomes of 38 patients


16. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in patients who admitted to a training and research hospital in Southeast Anatolia


17. Retrospective analysis of 14 patients who managed for adnexal torsion during pregnancy


18. Treatment outcomes of intertrochanteric femur fractures treated with DLT™ nail


20. Çok ileri yaşlı hastalarda (75 yaş ve üzeri) perkütan nefrolitotomi


21. Our results of mini open approach in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome